Jennifer Johnson’s story begins in a French classroom, where the excitement of studying abroad was quickly replaced by the loneliness of cultural disconnection. As a high school exchange student in France, she found herself navigating unfamiliar social norms, struggling to adapt, and feeling isolated despite her enthusiasm for new experiences.
But that very struggle became a spark.
Jennifer realized how transformative it could be to have someone guide you through the maze of cultural adaptation. What if there was a way to ensure that people moving to new countries never felt as lost as she had? What if they could be empowered, supported, and celebrated in their journey?
This question followed Jennifer to university, where she pursued an Arts degree in French and English, setting the stage for her dream of building bridges between people of different cultures. It was a lofty dream, but Jennifer’s resilience and passion for connection propelled her forward.
Fast forward a few years: Jennifer found herself working at the Sault Community Career Centre, designing projects to help Indigenous organizations and newcomers find their place in Canada. It was here that she noticed a recurring problem: rural Canadian employers struggled to find talent, while immigrants struggled to find opportunities that matched their skills. This gap wasn’t just a practical problem—it was a missed opportunity for Canada’s communities to thrive.
Determined to close this gap, Jennifer pursued a Master’s degree in Adult Learning and Global Change, delving deep into topics like human mobility and equity. Her studies reinforced a simple yet profound truth: trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship, whether between individuals or entire cultures.
In 2019, Jennifer turned her dream into reality. She became a licensed Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and launched iCA Immigration and Talent Services, an organization that embodies her belief in empowerment through connection.
But iCA is more than an immigration consultancy—it’s a lifeline. From guiding international students toward fulfilling educational opportunities to coaching newcomers in networking and self-discovery, Jennifer and her team go beyond paperwork. They weave stories of belonging and success.
Take, for example, their work with Canadian employers in rural areas. Through careful recruitment and cultural coaching, iCA doesn’t just find employees for businesses—they foster relationships that enrich communities. For Jennifer, every match is a testament to the power of human connection, something she learned firsthand as a teenager struggling to find her footing in a French lycée.
Jennifer’s work also honors Canada’s Indigenous peoples, incorporating intercultural skill-building to promote understanding and healing. In every initiative, she seeks to unite Canada’s diverse cultural tapestry, a mission rooted in her own journey.
Today, iCA Immigration and Talent Services thrives, serving as a beacon for newcomers and businesses alike. Jennifer’s journey from a lonely classroom in France to leading an impactful Canadian organization reminds us that even the most challenging moments can plant the seeds of transformative change.
Discover more about Jennifer’s work and the services at iCA Immigration and Talent Services by exploring our website ( iCA’s website).